Page reviewed: 21/1/2022


Current Projects and a few downloads for information

Kington Community Car Share Club Resisting Intensive Poultry Unit Planning Applications Kington Town Council Ethical and Environmental Policy (Download PDF) Energy Descent Action Plan (Download PDF) Zero Carbon Kington Treescapes Richie Cotterill Allotments Bradnor Coppice Richie Cotterill Your Energy Gordon Coppock Waste Money and Work Education Planning &Transport Food and Farming Locally Kington


Current Projects and a few downloads for information

Kington Community Car Share Club Resisting Intensive Poultry Unit Planning Applications Kington Town Council Ethical and Environmental Policy (Download PDF) Energy Descent Action Plan (Download PDF) Zero Carbon Kington Treescapes Richie Cotterill Allotments Bradnor Coppice Richie Cotterill Your Energy Gordon Coppock Waste Money and Work Education Planning &Transport Food and Farming Locally Kington